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Magazine Racks (Missouri 2012 Finds Part 1)

Jenny and I just got back from vacationing in St. Louis and on the way back we hit some antique stores in Missouri. One was Artichoke Annie’s about 11 miles outside of Columbia. This place was not your typical “antique store” which has a lot of junk in it; this place had some good stuff.

We found a couple magazine racks and I couldn’t choose between them so I got them both. The larger one is more practical since I already have a lot of things I could put in there and it has a cool drawer. It’s definitely from the 1930’s from my research.

The other magazine rack we found was smaller, but more the style that you’d expect to see and it’s more decorative. But I’m not super-certain about the decade; I’m following my gut on this one.

Total spent today: $68


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